Thursday, May 14, 2009

My not-so-secret Obsession

I don't watch much TV, mostly due to the fact that I don't have any cable, or any other kind of TV hook-up. Just DVDs, and those I watch mostly on my computer. This lack of TV has not kept me from becoming mildly (OK. totally) obsessed with a TV show.

I know TV and life are separate and that things on TV are not what happens in real life. The characters on this show are real though (sh*t up and don't tell me otherwise, pleeeeaaase), and I frequently talk about them as if they were real, mainly with fellow-obsessors.

I readily admit to this obsession, even though this show has quite a bit (OK. a LOT) of content that I find morally objectionable. And just so you know where exactly I draw my moral line, the show is Grey's Anatomy.

And now I have to go. The two-episode season finale is on tonight, and I have to find someone with a TV and cable so I can watch it.

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