Saturday, May 30, 2009

What to do when you see a U-H.aul truck

Drive the other way. FAST.

The biggest thing I had driven before Friday was a minivan. I drive a fairly small hatchback-type car, and I am neither the greatest nor the most precise driver on the road. In fact, I am a little surprised I have never gotten into a real accident, or gotten a speeding ticket. I will readily admit to frequently eating while driving or talking on the phone while driving. Sometimes both at the same time, while speeding.

On Friday I drove a 14 foot moving truck, and the first thing I did was drive up a one way street. the wrong way. I didn't turn around, it was only a block.

Then I drove 25mph on a 40mph road, but I was too scared to change lanes so I drove in the left-most lane with cars flying by me on my right side.

Pulling into the driveway I took out some shrubbery in my neighbor's front yard.

If I had gone another 5 inches up the driveway I would have taken down the electrical wiring that runs between he house and the garage, and since the garage has a very visible left-ward slant (also the side the wires are attached on), that may have resulted in the demise of the garage.

Then I realized the truck would have to be backed out of the driveway.

At last I handed the key to someone else and decided that I would be the worst truck driver. ever.

PS: the neighbors said that they were not overly attached to their shrubbery, and I'm pretty sure they are not plotting a revenge.

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